Scout7, a bespoke software for scouting

Scout7 is one of the platforms offered by Opta to help decision making in the global recruitment and development of players. It offers clubs performance data on over 520,000 players across the world and the ability to watch over 3 million minutes of video footage on their performances. The advantage of Scout7 over similar platforms is that it is usually integrated in a bespoke manner into the club's systems, allowing it to be tailored differently for each club according to that club's needs.

More than just an extensive player database, Scout7 allows clubs across the general management of their data by providing them with clear organisation and access to their information and support various departments' needs. Under the umbrella brand Intelligent Sports Framework, the Scout7 platform offers three different services to not only help with scouting but also improve the video databases for the clubs as well as provide tools for training and player development. The iSF platform is constituted of ProScout7, and TrainingGround, each offering a different set of features to complement the overall software. iSF enables a scouting team to create their own custom report templates and live data widgets so that the information most frequently needed can be accessed almost immediately.

Scout7 captures their own data from matches and players across the world that can be easily accessed by scouts through, where Scout7 uploads all their high definition footage. also offers many advanced filtering options to find specific players or game, analyse game statistics and also create your own clips of interesting players. On top of that, the data can be augmented with other compatible third party integrations if the club needs to do so, converting it in an even more complete platform for scouting. 

It is with ProScout7, another piece of Scout7's overall platform, where all the scouting information and actions take place. ProScout7 is a management system for scouting reports and assessment of players, where information can be flagged and shared to the rest of the scouting department for further analysis or decision making. In this section, scouts can create recommendation lists of players they wish to flag and rate each of the players the club wishes to pursue. These lists and player ratings can also be archived for later use. Similarly to, scouts can also use advanced search functionality to find players of certain criteria and characteristics they are looking for, and compliment their assessments with reports from the Scout7 team themselves to consolidate a more complete view on particular players.

Lastly, the TrainingGround platform from Scout7 aims to take a more internal look at the club's current players and support coaches with development and injury prevention. From basic functionally such as planning training drills and reporting on performance of the team's matches to capturing physiological data of each player to run comparisons and deeper analysis as well as keeping a health record of injuries and treatments. While TrainingGround offers a simpler set of tools than ProScout7 and, it demonstrates the attempt Scout7 is making to become the sole platforms for day-to-day club management in all areas and departments. Thanks to their close collaboration with the clubs due to its tailor-made integration of Scout7, they can find technological gaps in other areas of the club, get valuable feedback directly from the team and go back and build solutions that fit exactly those needs.